Sign up for our webinar: Grow your Revenue with Market Changes in the Nordic Power Markets

Webinar: Grow your Revenue with Market Changes in the Nordic Power Markets

Optimising energy




Starts 27 March

At 10.00 (CET)

Ends 27 March

At 10.45 (CET)





As a new mFRR balancing model is launched in March we would like to invite you to our webinar presenting the market changes mFRR, 15 min. Intraday and Day-Ahead, their requirements and potential growth in revenue.


  1. Market changes and new trading in mFRR market and 15 min intraday & day-ahead market
  2. Who can participate in mFRR and aFRR markets and what is required regarding prequalifications and technical onboarding?
  3. The potential revenue for energy producers and industry with available flexibility. We share our predictions for market developments. 
    Volue Energy Market Services that gives you access to the mFRR and 15 min intraday & day-ahead markets

Technical level: The presentations will be targeting operational and commercial level

Languages: The presentations will be in English